11:00 - 12:00
Estados Unidos
Participate in this interactive session introducing digital notetaking apps. The presentation provides a comparison chart of note-taking apps, their features and services, as well as information on the latest smart pens and devices.
Register to join on Zoom.
If you are new to using Zoom, check out this video and website with more information on how to use Zoom before the program.
Angela Hudson has a background in Library Research and a Bachelorettes of Arts in Psychology. She started working for Curry Senior Center in November 2022 and serves the senior citizen population. Her first computer certificate was in Oakland, CA, at McClymonds High School of Technology. She recently wrote her 10-year-old son a teen booklet. She likes music, dancing and wants to learn the violin. She has volunteered her time on career tips to high school students.
This event is part of SF Tech Week
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Tech Week
Build your skills, explore technology and connect with expert help this May.