Workshop: Know Your Name with Virgie Tovar, Author, Podcaster, Educator & Icon

星期一, 3/1/2021
7:00 - 8:15

How do we begin to see the elements that enable rape culture as the elements that are built into the structure and ethos of how we think about gender, bodies, food and weight? Virgie Tovar, author of The Self-Love Revolution: Radical Body Positivity for Girls of Color and You Have the Right to Remain Fat leads this evening session with meditation, a short discussion and journaling. Bring your journal, a snack and a cup of tea.  

Virgie Tovar hosts the podcast Rebel Eaters Club, is a contributor for and started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNotWeightTovar is the author of The Self-Love Revolution: Radical Body Positivity for Girls of Color (New Harbinger Publications 2020) and You Have the Right to Remain Fat (Feminist Press 2018).

Connect with Virgie Tovar: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Know Your Name is a series of events created in connection to SFPL's 16th One City One Book, Chanel Miller and her book Know My Name. Every Monday evening in March and April will explore a broad range of topics, from sexual assault, survivor resources, gender and system oppression, healing through art, feminism, activism and more. 



HERstory她的故事)是三藩市公立圖書館慶祝“婦女歷史月” 的活動,在三月份聚焦作家,思想家,有遠見的學者和藝術家。提供適合所有年齡的節目。






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