Presentation: Jane Kim and Thayer Walker, Ink Dwell Studio

A partnership with San Francisco Department of the Environment
星期四, 4/22/2021
7:00 - 8:00

In this Earth Day celebration Jane Kim and Thayer Walker will discuss their current and future work.

Jane Kim, artist  and Thayer Walker, writer, Ink Dwell studio creates art that explores the wonders of the natural world. Merging classical techniques of science illustration with modern fine art, we create public and private commissions, illustrations, exhibitions and much more.

Ink Dwell makes everyday places special and enhances iconic locations with wondrous imagery.

Jane Kim is a visual artist, science illustrator and the founder of Ink Dwell, a studio that creates art that explores the wonders of the natural world. She received formal training at Rhode Island School of Design and then Cal State Monterey Bay, where she received a master's certificate in science illustration. Kim has created numerous large-scale public works, and in addition to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, she has produced works for the National Aquarium, the de Young Museum, the Nature Conservancy, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Facebook, Recology, and Yosemite National Park. She is the creator of the Migrating Mural campaign, a series of public installations that highlight wildlife along migration corridors they share with people.

Thayer Walker is a correspondent for Outside magazine covering science, adventure, exploration, and the natural world. He has explored the Cayman Trench in a homemade submarine, survived 20 days stranded on a desert island, once escaped the jaws of an irascible jaguar, and discovered the tenth largest diamond ever found at Arkansas’s Crater of Diamonds State Park. With his wife, artist Jane Kim, he is the cofounder of Ink Dwell, an art studio that explores the wonders of the natural world. Thayer's first book, The Wall of Birds, about Jane's monumental mural celebrating the diversity and evolution of birds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, is published by HarperCollins. 


Ink Dwell - Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook 

SF Environment - Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram



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