11:00 - 12:00
A presentation in honor of June being Black Music Month recognizing the achievements of African American musical artists who were born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. Exploring genres from jazz and R&B, to gospel, funk and hip-hop, There’s Something About the Water… will enlighten and entertain, and hopefully, make you proud of these artists who made their marks on the world stage and, like you, call the Bay Area home.
Linda A. Jackson, a native San Franciscan, is a writer, historian, photographer and food artist. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Mount St. Mary’s University and received her Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles. She is a member of the San Francisco Writers Workshop, and has recently completed a collection of short stories entitled, The Religion of Slaves. She is now working on her memoir.
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2021 暑期邁步
暑期邁步 (Summer Stride) 是圖書館一年一度的暑期學習、閱讀和探索活動,適合所有年齡和讀寫能力的人士。與圖書館同渡整個充斥着閱讀和學習機會的夏天。
不止一月:黑人相關主題 參與與黑人社區相關的討論與表演