Performance: American Premiere of Lost Mozart Trio

星期六, 9/28/2024
3:00 - 3:30
Golden Gate Valley Meeting Room
Golden Gate Valley

1801 Green Street
San Francisco, CA 94123

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A 12-minute piece of music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been discovered in a library in Germany. Researchers think the composer wrote the previously unknown piece, titled Serenade in C, when he was approximately thirteen years old. The newly discovered Serenade in C has been renamed Ganz kleine Nachtmusik in the Köchel catalog, in reference to Mozart’s famous serenade Eine kleine Nachtmusik. On September 19, when the new catalog was unveiled in Salzburg, a string trio played the rediscovered work. The composition was performed again for a packed audience at the Leipzig Opera on September 21. Saturday’s performance will be the American premiere of Ganz kleine Nachtmusik!

Members of Solano Trio and Berkelium String Quartet join to perform this special concert. The program will include discussion and other works. 

Dan Flanagan (violin) serves as Concertmaster of the Sacramento Philharmonic and Opera, Concertmaster of West Edge Opera, and Instructor of Violin at University of California, Berkeley. Flanagan created The Bow and the Brush, an organization that commissions new music inspired by paintings and sculptures. With over 30 chamber and solo works, the performances have taken place across the United States, France, Italy, and England, including Carnegie Hall, University of California, Boston University, University of Rome, Stern Pissarro Gallery, and The American Library in Paris. Flanagan has performed as concertmaster with the Oakland Symphony, Santa Rosa Symphony, California Symphony, California Musical Theater, Festival Opera, Symphony San Jose, Modesto Symphony, and Opera Parallèle. He performs regularly with the San Francisco Opera and is a member of Trio Solano, Berkelium String Quartet and Eco Ensemble. 

Karen Shinozaki Sor (violin) is the Principal Second Violin of the Santa Rosa Symphony. She also performs with the Marin Symphony and as a regular substitute in the San Francisco Ballet and Opera Orchestras. As a founding member of the Grammy-nominated New Century Chamber Orchestra, she has concertized across Europe and the United States. Karen is a frequent chamber music collaborator, appearing with diverse groups including the Santa Rosa Chamber Players, Music at the Mission, Berkelium String Quartet and the Sor Ensemble. 

Victoria Ehrlich (cello) recently retired after 39 years with the San Francisco Opera Orchestra. Prior to joining the SF Opera in 1984, she played with the Santa Fe Opera, the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, and was principal cellist with the Symphonies of Omaha, Richmond and Phoenix. Ms. Ehrlich has performed with the San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Symphony, the New Century Chamber Orchestra, Composers Inc., and was a member of the Chamber Music Society of Sacramento for fifteen years. She currently performs with the Picasso Ensemble, the Cecilia Ensemble, Trio Solano, and makes concerto appearances with the Russian Chamber Orchestra.


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