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Workshop: Clothing Swap for Teens and Tweens

星期六, 9/10/2022
12:00 - 2:00
Mix: General Floor Area - 2nd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Take part in a free clothing swap, plus sewing and embellishment activities. Participants will come away with a refreshed wardrobe and smart lessons about how to reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost.

Inspired by author Diana Kapp’s new book, Girls Who Green the World: Thirty-Four Rebel Women Out to Save the Planet, and the City of San Francisco’s Climate Action Plan, this event is co-produced by the San Francisco Department of the Environment and Kate Rosegard and Kirsi Harris of KK Swaps.

Rules and How To:

  • Teens and Tweens 11–18 are welcome to participate
  • Swap items can be dropped off at The Mix starting at 10 a.m.
  • Each participant can bring up to 10 items for clothing, shoes or accessories and can swap for the same number of items brought
  • Swap items should be clean and ready for swapping
  • Sewing and embellishments maker space will be set up for self-service repair or refurbish of your “new” items, with assistance from SF State University and SF School of the Arts students.

In addition to swapping your wardrobe, hear from author Kapp about inspiring women working to save the planet and hear directly from teens who are making a difference in their schools and community.

Diana Kapp is a journalist and author whose work has appeared in the New York TimesWall Street JournalSan Francisco MagazineSan Francisco Chronicle, ELLEMarie ClaireO the Oprah MagazineCalifornia Sunday Magazine, Sunset, Her first book, Girls Who Run the World (Random House), published in 2019, was endorsed by Madeline Albright and featured in Forbes and on NPR’s MarketplaceGirls Who Green the World answers who are the environmental changemakers of this critical moment.  It has been endorsed by Jane Fonda, Megan Rapinoe, Bill McKibben and Al Gore.


Website – Diana Kapp



Kapp’s book, Girls Who Green the World: Thirty-Four Rebel Women Out to Save the Planet, will be available for book sales and signing, sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.



Find out how to adopt a greener lifestyle and discover the outdoors with SFPL and its partners.

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Find inspiration through craft programs featuring talented artists, makers and even your local librarians. For craft programs, all materials are provided, unless noted.



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