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Presentation: Art, Activism & Equity

A Retrospective On San Fransisco’s Cultural Evolution
星期六, 6/1/2024
3:00 - 5:00
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Artists and cultural workers Idris Ackamoor, Marie Acosta and Pam Peniston present the roots of cultural equity in San Francisco and discuss how the SF arts scene has influenced funding and practice across the nation. Hosted by grant writer Jeff Jones, along with artist/activist Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens.


Learn how San Francisco’s BIPOC and Queer artists, activists and their allies changed the narrative from exclusion to empowerment. Hear untold stories of how underdog visionaries transformed the climate for arts funding during the 60s through the 90s fighting for Cultural Equity in the arts.


Find out about the trailblazers who challenged racist, classist and homophobic funding structures, pushing the San Francisco Arts Commission to establish Cultural Equity Grants. Discover how radical artists secured increased funding for diverse artistic expressions like dance, theater, art installations and parades, along with venues such as Theater Rhino, African American Art and Cultural Center and SoMarts.


This event, co-sponsored by the San Francisco Public Library and funded by an Individual Artist Grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission, and a Major Project grant from the Arts Research Institute at UC Santa Cruz. 



Sprinkle & Stephens Collaboration Website

E.A.R.T.H. Lab Website

Beth Stephens - Instagram 

Annie Sprinkle - Instagram




Gather, share knowledge and celebrate our unique identities at the queerest library ever. 

For more resources, the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center is the gateway to the Library’s broader collections documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual history and culture, with a special emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area.

Learn from world-class designers, artists and experts in their fields. 

Attend programming, lectures and workshops intended for the BIPOC community.



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