Dialogue: Conversations Across the Diaspora with guest Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Hosted by Sarah Ladipo Manyika, a partnership with Museum of African Diaspora
星期五, 4/9/2021
12:00 - 1:00

A new interactive series brings you eclectic conversations from across the African diaspora. Join author and host Sarah Ladipo Manyika for talks with some of the most exciting voices from Berlin to Harare, from Tamale to London and New York and everywhere in between. We’ll introduce you to all sorts of folks—some you will know, others you may never have heard of, but never the usual suspects talking about the usual topics. We’ll be speaking with everyone from actors to poets, scholars, athletes, entrepreneurs, architects, artists and many more. 

This month we feature a conversation between Sarah Ladipo Manyika and historian, filmmaker, and public intellectual Henry Louis Gates, Jr.. After you register you will receive information to join via zoom on February 12th at 12 noon (Pacific Standard Time) / 8pm (UK). If you don’t see an email from MoAD in your inbox, please check your spam or junk mailbox.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University. Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, literary scholar, journalist, cultural critic, and institution builder, Professor Gates has authored or co-authored twenty-four books and created twenty-one documentary films, including Wonders of the African World, African American Lives, Faces of America, Black in Latin America, Black America since MLK: And Still I Rise, and Africa’s Great Civilizations. Finding Your Roots, his groundbreaking genealogy series now in its sixth season on PBS, has been called “one of the deepest and wisest series ever on television,” leveraging “the inherent entertainment capacity of the medium to educate millions of Americans about the histories and cultures of our nation and the world.”

Learn about past Conversations Across the Diaspora programs, including links to recordings of the events on MoAD’s blog.

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Desde autores favoritos a artistas visionarios a expertos en campos tan diversos como la salud pública, la historia local, tecnología y cultura, esta serie trae a tu casa las voces que quieres escuchar.







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