Articles & Databases

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Mango Languages

Mango Languages

Mango offers 22 different languages and 15 different ESL courses to choose from. Mango uses real-life situations and actual conversations to more effectively teach a new language. By listening to and repeating after material constructed from native conversations, you can learn individual words and phrases used in practical situations and conversations.
Student Resources in Context

Middle School in Context (Gale)


Age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more to support national and state curriculum standards for grades 6 to 12 in language arts, social studies, and science. Categories include cultures, government, people, U.S. and world history, literature, and more.




Access Morningstar financial data on stocks, funds and industries. You will also find analyst reports, portfolio screenings and other tools for making investment decisions.
Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries®

Music Online | (Alexander Street Press)

Search all the Alexander Street Press music streaming databases in one place. The SFPL subscriptions include: American Song, Classical Music Library, Contemporary World Music, Jazz Music Library and Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

Music Index Online | (Ebsco)

The Music Index is a comprehensive guide to music periodicals and literature featuring digitized content from 1970 to present. This database contains cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts of articles about music, musicians, and the music industry for more than 475 periodicals, as well as book reviews, obituaries, news, and selective coverage for more than 230 periodicals.
EBSCO thumb

MyHeritage Library Edition (EBSCO)


Multilingual family history research database with billions of historical documents from 48 countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes and additional resources that span the past five centuries.

What is MyHeritage Library Edition?

Related: Ancestry Library Edition (Main Library & Branches), HeritageQuest Online, Fold3 Library Edition, My China Roots and America's Obituaries & Death Notices