Libros digitales en español
Quizás Algo HermosoCampoy, F. Isabel
Mi Papi Tiene Una MotoQuintero, Isabel
Mi Familia Calaca / My Skeleton FamilyWeill, Cynthia
I Know the River Loves MeGonzalez, Maya Christina
Ramona la chincheCleary, Beverly
Los Deseos De Carmelade la Peña, Matt
Sabes algo sobre peces?Silverman, Buffy
Maria Had A Little LlamaDominguez, Angela
GraciasMora, Pat
Los pollitosJaramillo, Susie
Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems = Jitomates…Alarcón, Francisco X.
Ve, perro. Ve!Eastman, P. D.
My Very Own Room / Mi Propio CuartitoP?Rez, Amada Irma
Cómics diversos
Mira los nuevos libros digitales para niños esta semana
AkissiAbouet, Marguerite
Be PreparedBrosgol, Vera
The BreadwinnerTanaka, Shelley
The Cardboard KingdomSell, Chad
The CrossoverAlexander, Kwame
El DeafoBell, Cece
The Hidden WitchOstertag, Molly Knox
Hotel DareBlas, Terry
IllegalColfer, Eoin
Little RobotHatke, Ben
LolaTorres, J.
Lowriders in SpaceCamper, Cathy
LumberjanesWatters, Shannon
Marvel Rising. Heroes of the Round TableMagruder, Nilah
Meg, Jo, Beth, and AmyTerciero, Rey
Moon Girl and Devil DinosaurMontclare, Brandon
The Nameless CityHicks, Faith Erin
New KidCraft, Jerry
The Okay WitchSteinkellner, Emma
PashminaChanani, Nidhi
The Prince and the DressmakerWang, Jen
PrincelessWhitley, Jeremy
Princess PrincessO'Neill, Kay
Sea SirensChu, Amy
Secret CodersYang, Gene Luen
Sci-fuMercado, Yehudi
The Shark KingJohnson, R. Kikuo
Spider-ManBendis, Brian Michael
StargazingWang, Jen
TakioBendis, Brian Michael
The Tea Dragon SocietyO'Neill, Katie
This Was Our PactAndrews, Ryan
White BirdPalacio, R. J.
Libros ilustrados
Nuevos libros este mes
AlphablockFranceschelli, Christopher
Black? White! Day? Night!Seeger, Laura Vaccaro
Butterfly, ButterflyHoráček, Petr
DanceVan Fleet, Matthew
Dear ZooCampbell, Rod
Everyone Is YawningBijsterbosch, Anita
Flip Flap OceanScheffler, Axel
Fortune CookiesBitterman, A.
In My HeartWitek, Jo
I Saw AnacondaClarke, Jane
Is There A Dog in This Book?Schwarz, Viviane
Max and Ruby's Preschool PranksWells, Rosemary
Never Too Little to LoveWillis, Jeanne
No Potty! Yes, Potty!Bolam, Emily
Open This Little BookKlausmeier, Jesse
Party Animals!Dieudonne, Clea
Under the HoodMerlin, Christophe
Up & DownTeckentrup, Britta
Up, Tall and HighLong, Ethan
Walk This WorldBroom, Jenny
Where's Spot?Hill, Eric
Who's Hungry?Hacohen, Dean
Who's in the Tree?Shuttlewood, Craig
Who's Like MeDavies, Nicola