1:30 - 2:15
351 9th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
Estados Unidos
Learn the basics of tablets and iPhones in this a seven-class series. The class topics include:
- Introduction of devices and hand gestures
- Setting up and using email accounts
- Using WeChat
- Changing keyboard and language
- Installing applications on your devices
- Wi-Fi settings and Internet introduction
- Joining zoom meetings
Please bring your own devices: Apple/Android. The class is taught in Cantonese. Space is limited. Reservations required: (415)355-5600.
This program is in partnership with Self-Help for the Elderly.
歡迎參加免費的電腦課程學習智慧型手機或平板電腦。一共有七堂課。課程內容包括介紹手機/平板設定和手勢操作,建立和使用電子郵件,使用微信,修改語言與輸入法,安裝軟件,連接網路和網路的基本知識和加入網路zoom會議。請攜帶自己的設備: 蘋果/ 安卓。教課老師能流利使用粵語上課。這堂課是由安老自助處提供。座位有限, 需提早預約: (415)355-5600。
Tech Time
In-person and online programs to help you explore current technology and navigate the digital world. Sign up for our monthly eNewsletter of upcoming classes and events.
活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin
Older Adult
Learn and live well at any age.