1:00 - 2:00
5075 3rd Street
San Francisco, CA 94124
Estados Unidos
Cut an image on cardstock with an X-ACTO knife to create a stencil that will be used to print ink onto fabric.
Please plan on spending 1-3 hours as ink may take up to an hour to dry. T-shirts will not be provided, participants may bring their own.
For ages 13+
Space limited.
Creative Arts
Exercise your power of imagination with programs that encourage hands-on projects for adults. For craft programs, all materials are provided, unless noted.
Make + Do
Find inspiration through craft programs featuring talented artists, makers and even your local librarians. For craft programs, all materials are provided, unless noted.
Summer Stride
Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.