Presentation: Syd Barrett

A talk and slideshow by Richie Unterberger
星期三, 11/20/2024
12:00 - 1:30

As the original leader and chief singer, songwriter, and guitarist in Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett was the band’s prime creative force on their first few singles and their 1967 debut album, the psychedelic classic The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. Sadly, he left the group due to illness shortly afterward, retiring from music in the early 1970s after a couple solo albums. Rock historian Richie Unterberger presents a free Zoom program on Barrett’s brief and brilliant career, featuring vintage film clips of him with Pink Floyd.

Richie Unterberger is the author of numerous rock history books, including volumes on the Beatles, the Who, the Velvet Underground, Bob Marley and 1960s folk-rock. He teaches courses on rock and soul music history at several Bay Area colleges. His newest books are San Francisco: Portrait of a City, published in 2022 by Taschen and the second edition of Bob Marley and the Wailers: the Ultimate Illustrated History, published this year on Motorbooks.

This virtual program is offered as a one-time event only by agreement with the presenter. This program will NOT be recorded.


Richie Unterberger - Twitter I Richie Unterberger - Facebook

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