Cadigan, John (etcher)
Cadden, Wendy
Caja, Jerome
Calamar, Gloria (Sept. 7, 1921- ) b. New York (California artist)
Calder, Alexander Stirling (1870-1945)
Pam. Box
REF 708.1 Sa528 Cat. #22
REF Out West v.31: 765-784
REF 705 Am35 v.6: 326
REF 708.1 Ar75: 313, plate 304, ill.
REF 20 N47 v.3: 12, no. 1
REF 709.794 C12 [1974]
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 91, ill.
Business and the Arts, vertical file (Business Committee for the Arts, no. 22, June 1973)
Calder Family
Calkins, Tony
Callahan, Daniel Joe (Painter) 2/18
Callister, Charles Warren (1918- ) b. Rochester, N.Y. (architect)
REF 720.9794 G264v
Calvello Jr., Anthony J.
Camacho, Christiano
Art International v.19 (May 1975): 55
Art News v.74 (December 1975): 88
REF 709.794 AL15a: 266
Camarata, Martin L. b. Turlock, CA (graphic artist)
REF 769.1 ZC128 (illus.)
Cameron, Beverly
Cameron, Lew N.
Cameron, Robert (aerial photographer)
Cameron, William Ross (Jun 14, 1893-)
(etcher, lithographer, painter) b. San Francisco
REF 927 W62 v.3
REF 927 F46d
S.F. Art Clippings v.1: 17
S.F. Art Clippings v.2: 32
S.F. Art Clippings v.1: 33
Campbell, Charles
Campbell, Jim
Campbell, Wayne E. (1944- ) b. Oakland, Ca.
Campbell, Wayne R.
Campodonico, Tony (1944- )
Candelaria, Georgina
Caniff, Milton (1907- ) Ohio
REF 920.079 W618 v.2: 85
REF 759 ZD532m: 29
Capone, Rene (Painter/illustrator) 1/10
Caponigro, Paul
Capozio, Joseph (San Francisco painter)
Show of drawings at Howland Gallery Dec. 9-Jan. 17, 1964 (with Rex Mason and Manuel da Silva)
Capuletti, Jose Juan
Caravaglia, Angelo
Carey, Justine (American painter)
Carey, Paul T. - Palo Alto
Carlisle, Olga
Carlsen, Emil Soren (1853-Jan 2, 1932)
b. Denmark, d. San Francisco
REF 709.73 N39: 301-302
REF 708.1 Ar75: 168, plate 74
S.F. Chronicle May 13 1888
REF 709.794 Un3 v.4: 27-62
International Studio vol. 105 June 1917: cv-cx-supp., v.75 Uly 1922: 300-308
REF 708.1 Sa524 v.4, part 5, no.25
REF 759.1 ZC333: 9
REF 759.05 Im7: 85
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 70, ill.
REF f758.1 W528pn
Carlton, Brents (1903-Sept. 6, 1962)
b. Roswell, N.M., d. San Francisco, CA (sculptor)
REF 927 W62 v.3: 117
S.F. Chronicle Oct 8, 1962 (obituary)
Carnath, Squeak
Carpenter, Patrick
Carraway, Arthur (1927 or 1925- ) b. Fort Worth, TX
Collective Biography 10
REF f709.73 ZH415d
REF 708.1 Sa52s
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 160, ill.
REF 709.794 AL15a: 266
Carrigg, Jack
REF 709.794 AL15a: 266
Carrillo, Eduardo
REF 709.794 AL15a: 266
Carrington, Raymond (Ray)
Carson, Lew
Art Forum v.2 (January 1964): 2 "Letters"
S.F. Chronicle Mar 26 1964: 46
REF 709.794 AL15a: 266
Carter, Dudley (Sculptor)
Carter, Glenn
Craft Horizons v.36 (June 1976): 60
Carter, Keith
Carter, Mary (Montana)
Carvajal, Carlos Sr.
Caryl, Naomi
Casado, John
Casey, Mary Jane
Cassin, Barbara
Castellon, Rolando (1937- ) b. Managua, Nicaragua
REF 708.1 Sa52s
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Castillo, Huascar
Castle, Christopher
Caswell, Homer
Catlett, Francess, Dunham (painter)
Cavalli, Guy John (painter)
Art News (May 1977): 118
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Cavanna, Elise (lithographer, painter, illustrator)
Collective Biography 8
REF 927 W62 v.4
Cebrian, Katharine
Cervantes, Susan Kelk
Cervenak, Tom
Chagoya, Enrique
Chalem, Celine
Challoner, William Lindsay (1852-1901)
Chamberlain, John (California sculptor)
Art Forum v.2 (April 1964): 38-40 feature article and repro of "Slauson"
Chamberlin, Wesley ( -Aug 23, 1990)
Art Forum v.2 (April 1964): 14,15 review and repro "April Laude"
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Chambers, Magda
Chandler, Max
Chang, Shu-Chi
Chang, Ta-ch'ien (1899- )
x Chang Dai-Chien
Chapin, Jim (1944- )
Chapman, Minerva Josephine
REF 705 Am35 v.24: 514
Chappell, Nancy
Chappell, Walter
Charbneau, Jules
Charleston, Elizabeth
Charlot, Jean (1898-Mar 1979) b. Paris, France (American painter, writer, graphic artist)
REF 769 ZSa14m: 249, plate 177
REF 927 M279I: 291
REF 769 ZR259a: 239
REF 709.72 St49f : 64
REF 769 ZH104m: 122
REF 927 M279is: 90
Chase, Adele
Collective Biography 5
Chase, Catherine Maroney
Chase, John (architecture and design critic)
Chase, Ronald
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Chastain, Terry Scott
Chatfield, Ruth
Chatham, Russell (grandson of Gottardo Piazzoni)
Chen, Kevin (artist)
Cheng, Carl (b. San Francisco 1944- )
REF 709.79 J789L: 60
Cherin, Robin
Chesse, Ralph Alexander (b. New Orleans 1900- ) (painter)
REF 927 W62 v.3, v.1
REF 20 N47 v.29: 106
REF 709.794 Sa522s
REF 759 ZD532m: 33
S.F. Art Clippings v.4: 122 Exhibit
see also: Mural Art vertical file
see also: Coit Tower vertical file
see also: M/PA vf
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Chester, Mark
Cheves, Alexander
Chezem, Wayne
S.F. Art Clippings v.2: 87,99
Chi, Young-Mi
Chicago, Judy
REF 759.1 ZSa525p: 205
REF 709.794 F466: 88-89 (includes port.)
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Chin, Oliver (Cartoonist)
Chinsky, Sherman (1926- )
Chipman, Jack
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Chodzko, Dana
Chooh, Ilyup
Chow, Johnson
Choy, Terence
Christensen, Neal
Christo (Christo Javacheff)
Paris Review (Summer 1975): 131-138, no.62
Du (April 1976): 28-37
Chuchom, Kira
Chun, Sung Woo
Chung, Kim (sculptor)
Church, Thomas (landscape designer)
Ciampi, Mario J. (1907- ) b. San Francisco (architect)
REF 720.9794 G264v
S.F. Art Clippings v.3: 61
Churchill, Joshue (photographer)
Cicansky, Victor
Cima, Frank
Ciriclio, S.E.
Clancy, Judith
Clapp, William (1879-1954) b. Montreal, Canada, d. Oakland, California
REF 759.1 ZSa525p: 205
REF 759.05 Im7: 85
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 104, ill.
REF 709.794 AL15a: 267
Clar, Richard
Clark, Emilie
Clark, Jeff (1941- )
see also: Ohlen, Donald Gregory, vertical file
Clark, Joe (San Francisco sculptor)
Art Forum v.2 (September 1963): 52
Art Forum v.2 (March 1964): 50,51 review and reproduction of "Farewell to Arms"
S.F. Chronicle Sept 6 1964: 24 review and repro "Morning"
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Clark, Luis (San Francisco)
Clark, William L.
see Richmond Art Center Designer, vertical file
Clawson, John W.
San Francisco artist from the turn of the century. Moved to New York City, 1912
See: American Art Annual, v.7, 1909-1910
Also: Overland Monthly, 2d Series, v.60, July-December 1912: 112
Clayden, Marian
REF 745.097 Em36c
Claydon, Jack (San Francisco artist)
Clayton, Ernest (1868- )
Clever, Don (Donald G.)
Clive, Dennis (1950- )
Clokey, Art
Close, Marjorie
Cloud, Hugo
Clowes, Daniel (Comic Artist) 1/11
Clutton, Robert
Cobb, Diane
Cockrell, Tracey
Cockroft, John
Cohen-Stuart, Victor (Bay Area artist)
Art Forum v.13 (October 1974): 75
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Cohn, Julie
Coke, Van Deren
Cole, Dorothy Bushnell
Cole, Gail
Collective Biography 11
Cole, Phoebe
Colescott, Robert H. (1925- ) b. Oakland
REF 709.794 Sa525t
REF 709.73 ZC872w
REF 759.1 ZSa525p: 206
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 177, ill.
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Colin, Charlie
Collaer, Lucienne A.
Collier, John, Jr. (photographer)
S.F. Art Institute Bulletin 1972-1973. Faculty Biographies: Studied: S.F. Art Institute, Guggenheim Fellowship; Education and Anthropology at S.F. State. Farm Security Administration photographer; field worker in anthropology.
Exhibited: Museum of Modern Art, Family of Man exhibition.
Collier, Will (Painter)
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Collins, Christopher (Fashion Designer) 1/11
Collins, Isabel (fashion designer)
Collins, Jess
Art Forum (October 1963): 30 "The Tricky Cad"
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Collins, Krista
Collins, Robert (1922- )
Colp, Don
x Chainsaw art, vertical file
Colwell, Larry
Combs, Wilson (Architect)
Comings, Robert
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Compton, Norman
Comstock, Barbara
Comstock, Hugh (architect)
Cone, Claribel
Congdon, Lisa (Illustrator) 4/13
Connell, Marjorie
Conner, Bruce
Collective Biography 3
x Conner, Bruce M/PA vertical file
Art Forum v.2 (December 1963): 43 repro
Art Forum v.2 (May 1964): 22-24 SFAI Annual repro "Suitcase"
REF 759.1 ZSa525p: 206
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 141, ill.
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Conner, Walter
Connor, Linda
REF 779 K159p
Conrad, Barnaby
Conrad, Maurice - Utah (painter)
Conway, Evelyn (California sculptor)
S.F. Chronicle Jan 24, 1964, obituary
Cook, Gordon (1927-1985) b. Chicago (graphics)
REF 769.1 ZOa4c
REF 708.1 Sa52s
REF 709.794 AL15a: 268
Cook, Lia - b. Richmond, CA (textiles)
REF 745.097 Em36c
REF f745.073 D541h
Cooper, Astley D. (portrait painter)
(1101/2 McAllister St. S.F. in 1880)
S.F. Art Clippings v.3: 49 "Dainty Lady" painting
REF 709.73 D32a
Cooper, Barbara
Cooper, Dan
Cooper, Kirk (1965- )
Cooper, Michael J. (1943- ) b. Richmond, CA (sculptor)
REF 745.097 Em36c
REF 709.794 AL15a: 269
Cope, Gordon Nicholson
Coppola, Eleanor
REF 709.794 AL15a: 269
Corbett, Edward (1919- ) (Illinois)
Collective Biography 13
REF 759.1 ZIL6c v.3: 189, plate 8
S.F. Art Clippings v.3: 75
S.F. Chronicle Jun 8 1967: 43
REF 709.794 Sa52p
REF 759.1 ZSa525p: 206
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 134, ill.
REF 709.794 AL15a: 269
Cordoni, David (photographer)
Corita, Sister Mary, I.H.M.
x Kent, Corita
Collective Biography 4
REF 769 P936
Cornblatt, Marque
Corning, Merv
Correll, Richard
Corse, Mary (1945- ) b. Berkeley, CA
REF 709.79 J789L: 14
Cort, Lyda
Cortright, Steven (Mar 18, 1942- ) b. Detroit, MI (printmaker, painter)
REF 927 W62 (1976)
REF 769.1 ZP936
Cory, Ed (painter)
Costanzo, Tony
REF 709.794 AL15a: 269
Coulter, William Alexander (Mar 7, 1849-1936)
REF 705 Am35 v.10: 240
REF 927 W62 v.2: 595
S.F. newspapers Mar 15, 1936
REF 917.9461 L775L: 419
REF 20 N47 v.3: 12
S.F. Art Clippings v.1: 15
San Francisco News Letter and California Advertiser v.82: 50-51, part 2-Christmas 1911; v.34: 3, Mar 22 1884
S.F. Chronicle Jan 6, 1976, Financial Green [marine paintings are in the room of the Merchants Exchange Building taken by the Chartered Bank of London in 1975]
REF 979.461 V338s: plate 52
REF 759.1 ZV338f
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 60, ill.
Couzens, Julia (1947- )
Covarrubias, Miguel (1902- ) b. Mexico City
REF 927 M279I: 293
REF 709.72 St49f: 93
REF 759.97 ZV54c: 69
S.F. Art Clippings v.4 (Mar 4 1960): 2 "Pageant of the Pacific murals at World Trade Center"
Coxhead, Ernest A. (1863-1933) (San Francisco architect)
REF 720.973 ZW776b: 144
REF 705 Am35 v. 4, pt. 2: 104
REF 709.794 C128c
REF 720.9744 G941 1976
Crabtree, Jan
Cravath, Dorothy
Cravath, Ruth (Mrs. Ruth Cravath Wakefield) (sculptress)
Collective Biography 11
(893 Wisconsin - MI7-0560 (July 7, 1964))
Ref 927 w62 v.4, v.3: 152
REF 709.794 Un3 v.16: 115-142
REF 709.794 Sa52p
Pacific Sun (week of April 24-30 1975): 4
Crawford, Lorraine (painter)
Cremean, Robert (1932- ) (California sculptor)
Collective Biography 3, 8
Art Forum v.2 (August 1963): 46
REF 759.1 ZIL6c
REF 759.1 ZSa525p: 207
REF 709.794 AL15a: 269
Cromey, Edward R.
Collective Biography 5
Crooks, Richard
Cross, Mary
Crotty, Harry
Collective Biography 11
S.F. Art Clippings v.2: 75
Art Forum (September 1963): 49
Crum, David
Crumb, Maxon
Crumb, Robert
Crawdaddy (July 1973): 24
REF 709.794 AL15a: 269
Crumpler, Dewey
Ref 709.794 AL15a: 270
Crutcher, Christopher
Cucaro, Pascal
REF 709.794 AL15a: 270
Cucaro, Patrick J.
S.F. Art Clippings v.2: 111
Cuevas, Jose Luis
Culler, George D.
S.F. Art Clippings v.4: 8
Cummings, Earl (Melvin Earl) (August 13, 1876-Jul 21, 1936)
b. Salt Lake City, d. San Francisco (sculptor)
REF 927 F46d: 84
REF f917.9 T645 v.20-21: 467 (May 1929)
S.F. Chronicle July 21, 1936
REF 927 Sm64b
REF 709.794 Un3 v.6
REF 708.1 Ar75: 168, plate 213, ill.
REF 705 Am35 v.12: 353
REF 709.794 Sa522s
REF 708.1 Sa524 v.8: 12-17, part 11
California Living (May 3 1981): 47-52
REF W62 v. 16: 618-619
REF 20 N47 v. 3, no. 1: 12
Cummings, Harold W. (stained glass)
S.F. Art Clippings, v.1, p. 30
927 W62 vol. 4, p. 123
Cummings, Timothy
Cummings, Urania (1889- )
Collective Biography 10
Cuneo, Rinaldo (Jul 2, 1877-Dec 26, 1939)
b. San Francisco, d. San Francisco (painter)
REF 708.1 Sa521: 131
REF 708.1 Ar75: 168, plate 64, ill.
REF 927 F46d
The Wasp v.79: 16, Mar 30
REF 709.794 Un3 v.11: 61-100
Out West v.43: 70, Feb
S.F. Art Clippings v.1: 17
REF 709.794 Sa522s
REF 20 N49 v.10: 716
REF 709.794 AL15a: 270
See also: Mural Art, vertical file
See also: Coit Tower, vertical file
S.F. Examiner Dec 28, 1939
S.F. Chronicle Feb 15, 1914: 21:5
S.F. Chronicle Dec 21, 1919: E:3
REF 758.1 C128H, reproduction "Landscape with Trees"
REF 709.73 D32a
Cunningham, Imogen
Collective Biography 14
S.F. Art Clippings v.3: 34
S.F. Examiner Jul 5 1964: 8-10
Ms Magazine (February 1975): 25
REF 779 Sa52w
REF 709.794 Oa4a: 113, ill.
Transferred to S.F. History Room in 9/90 - photos: Dane Coolidge circa 1920s, Charles Caldwell Dobie "in the 30s", William Rose Benet 1936, Gertrude Stein 1937.
Cunningham, Patricia
Ref 709.794 W525: 77
Ref 927 W62 v.4
Curran, Tim
Currier, Edward Wilson
Curtis, Ernest N. (architect)