Author: Behind the Veil - Ghostwriting 101

a Litquake event
Sábado, 10/12/2024
12:30 - 1:30
Saroyan Area - 6th Floor
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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It’s time to take an art form that’s secretive by design (it’s right there in the name!) out from the shadows. A trio of professional ghosts—Felice Laverne, Hilary Swanson, and Annie Tucker—will share the challenges and rewards of their craft, as well as tips for breaking into the biz. Is the work glamorous, thankless, or both? What kinds of ethical questions do ghostwriters encounter? How can a ghostwriter park their ego—and preserve their composure—when assuming the voice of a public (and sometimes very famous) persona? This freewheeling yet practical Litquake conversation will be moderated by Brooke Warner, publisher of SheWrites Press. Presented by Litquake. 

Brooke Warner is publisher of She Writes Press and SparkPress, president of Warner Coaching Inc., and author of Write On, Sisters!, Green-light Your Book, What's Your Book?, as well as three books on memoir. Warner teaches memoir intensives online and in person.

Connect: Brooke Warner - Website | She Writes - Website

Annie Tucker is the founder of the Understory Writers' Conference and has written and edited more than eight hundred books. She currently specializes in ghostwriting memoirs and other works of nonfiction for clients all over the world.

Connect: Annie Tucker - Website 

Felice Laverne is a ghostwriter who helps high-profile celebrities, leaders, healers, influencers, political figures and doers turn their messages into powerful brand assets and engagingly moving narratives

Connect: Felice Laverne - Website

Hilary Swanson is a multiple New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and former Senior Editor at HarperCollins. She has collaborated on acclaimed memoirs, narrative nonfiction and personal development books including Over the Top by Jonathan Van Ness and BRAVE by Rose McGowan.

Connect: Hilary Swanson - Website 


Connect: Litquake - Website | Litquake - Instagram

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