Presentation: Conjunctive Theory of Mental Imagery in the Arts & Sciences

Domingo, 1/26/2025
2:00 - 3:00

Explore how the Conjunctive Theory of Mental Imagery bridges our inner and outer worlds, shaping our perception of reality. We navigate two realms: the outer world, where we engage with others and manage daily life, and the inner world, where we dream, think, and imagine. Our mental imagery serves as the connection between these realms, influencing how we interpret our experiences. The perspectives through which we view our surroundings—artistic and scientific—are crucial for a richer understanding of our reality. 

This theory examines how the interaction between our internal and external worlds influences our perceptions. Since mental images are foundational to advancements in both art and science, it is essential to approach artworks and scientific theories from both perspectives to fully grasp and appreciate their significance. This lecture will delve into these concepts. 

Mohsen Janatpour is a professor of math, physics, and astronomy at the College of San Mateo, where he also coordinates the Astronomy Program. He has taught for 134 semesters, including courses in astronomy, aeronautics, chemistry, drafting, mathematics, and physics. Prior to this, he worked as a quality assurance engineer and mathematician at Coors and Varian Associates, where he contributed to mapping the moon's surface from Apollo 11 data. As an artist and philosopher, he has lectured on mental imagery and perception since 1995, and in 2023, he created two courses—“Mental Imagery in the Arts and Sciences” and “Mental Imagery in Art and Science of Different Cultures”—which have been published as textbooks. Janatpour holds MS degrees in mathematics and physics from San Jose State University and began his academic career at the College of San Mateo in 1979 while pursuing a Ph.D. in biophysics at UC Berkeley. For more on his artwork, visit his website

Gain a new perspective on and understanding of the world through programs on the sciences.

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