2:00 - 4:00
學習如何設置以及如何訪問個人電郵帳戶,包括:如何撰寫及發送電郵訊息、管理接收電郵訊息的收件箱以及回覆電郵。 以粵語授課。 名額有限。 報名請致電:415-355-5660 聯絡寶多麗圖書分館。(5月1日開始接受報名)
這是「三藩市科技週」(SF Tech Week)的其中一項活動。
Learn how to create an email account and how to use it. Topics will include, how to start and send an email message, how to check the email inbox for new messages and how to reply.
Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 355-5660.
Tech Exchange was founded by Bruce Buckelew, a pioneer in addressing the digital divide through green technology solutions. Tech Exchange provides community with free and low-cost computers, tech support, digital skills, and assistance with internet access.
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Tech Week
Build your skills, explore technology and connect with expert help this May.