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Celebration: Pride in Panels

San Francisco Queer Comics Festival
Domingo, 2/18/2024
12:00 - 5:00
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Pride in Panels: SF Queer Comics Festival is a premiere showcase of San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQIA+ queer comics creators in a groundbreaking, inaugural gathering. Celebrate the remarkable vitality of the San Francisco Bay Area queer comics scene – never before as dynamic and diverse as it is right now. There will be riveting panels at the top of every hour (see schedule below), maker workshops and an exhibition hall of over 100 LGBTQIA+ cartoonists, including such prominent creators as Maia Kobabe, Ed Luce, Ajuan Mance and Trina Robbins. This is a 100% free event for all.

Panel schedule

1 p.m – 1:50 p.m. Think of the Children: Queer All-Ages Comics

From Webtoons to manga to graphic novels, comics have exploded in the children’s lit scene in recent years. How do these stories reflect the joys and trials of queer kids today? How are queer creators inspired by their childhood favorites, like The Babysitters Club and Naruto? Join moderator Laura Gao (Messy Roots) and panelists Amanda Castillo (Mapmakers), Samadrita Ghosh (Night Owls & Summer Skies), Ajuan Mance (What Do Brothas Do All Day?), Kyla Aiko (Foxlight), as they discuss their comic journeys, and how you’re never too young to make your own webcomic!

2 p.m – 2:50 p.m. Sickening! Queer Horror Comics

Horror comics can be disturbing, downright terrifying… or even a bit of campy fun! From psychological to gore to monsters, from cute to creepy, what is the range of possibilities represented by queer horror comics? How can the horror genre uncover the fears, fantasies, and fabulousness of the queer psyche? Join moderator William O. Tyler (Theater of Terror) and panelists Robyn Adams (Homozone), Dave Davenport (Feral), Diego Gomez (1963), and Malcolm Johnson (Tales of Hoodoo Horror) as they dissect the rotting corpse of queer horror.

3 p.m – 3:50 p.m. Out in the World: Publishing Queer Comics

There are more ways than ever to get queer comics out into the world, from self-publishing to the indie presses to the mainstream book and comics publishers. This plethora of options, both on the web and in print, can be bewildering and comes with its share of pitfalls. Join moderator Avi Ehrlich (SIlver Sprocket) and panelists Yasmeen Abedifard (D.R.Y.), Tara Madison Avery (Stacked Deck Press), Caspar Cendre (A.B.O. Comix), Breena Nuñez (Laneha House) as they break down the myriad challenges and opportunities of the modern publishing landscape. 

4 p.m – 4:50 p.m. Graphic Content: Queer Erotic Comics

How have queer comics handled sex, sexuality, and desire, both in erotic stories and ones that simply include graphic content? Why and how are we making this work, and who is it for? Join moderator Justin Hall (Hard to Swallow) and panelists Trinidad Escobar (Arrive in My Hands), Jon Macy (Fearful Hunter), MariNaomi (I Thought You Loved Me), and Leah Spears (Polyamory Coloring Book) as they discuss the challenges and opportunities of representing sex in their work, how far representation has come in erotica, and where it’s all headed. This panel will contain graphic language and imagery.

Visit the Exhibition Hall in the Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room from Sunday, February 18 from 12 p.m – 5 p.m.

Maker Workshop offer intimate hands-on creative opportunities in the Hormel Center Reading Room, 3rd Floor, Main Library on Sunday, February 18 at 1 p.m.


Pride in Panels – Website

Pride in Panels – Instagram

Pride in Panels – Twitter

Pride in Panels: SF Queer Comics Festival celebrates and showcases the remarkable vitality of the queer comics scene in the SF Bay Area and beyond! The festival includes an exhibitor hall, panels, and workshops as well as a film screening and comics readings. This festival purposefully takes place at SFPL, furthering our mission of supporting reading for our diverse communities.

Co-sponsored by Silver Sprocket, California College of the Arts MFA Comics and BFA Comics programs and the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center of San Francisco Public Library.

Engage with your favorite writers and discover your next read.

Gather, share knowledge and celebrate our unique identities at the queerest library ever. 

For more resources, the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center is the gateway to the Library’s broader collections documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual history and culture, with a special emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.




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