
Author: Cory Doctorow, The Bezzle

In conversation with Robin Sloan
Miércoles, 3/13/2024
6:00 - 7:30
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
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A book launch and talk with New York Times-bestselling author Cory Doctorow for his new thriller, The Bezzle. Cory will be joined in conversation with author Robin Sloan. In addition, Cooper Quinton from the Electronic Frontier Foundation will speak briefly about prison tech before their talk.

About The Bezzle

The year is 2006. Martin Hench is at the top of his game as a self-employed forensic accountant, a veteran of the long guerrilla war between people who want to hide money, and people who want to find it. He spends his downtime on Catalina Island, where scenic, imported bison wander the bluffs and frozen, reheated fast food burgers cost 25$. Wait, what? When Marty disrupts a seemingly innocuous scheme during a vacation on Catalina Island, he has no idea he’s kicked off a chain of events that will overtake the next decade of his life.

Martin has made his most dangerous mistake yet: trespassed into the playgrounds of the ultra-wealthy and spoiled their fun. To them, money is a tool, a game, and a way to keep score, and they’ve found their newest mark—California’s Department of Corrections. Secure in the knowledge that they’re living behind far too many firewalls of shell companies and investors ever to be identified, they are interested not in the lives they ruin, but only in how much money they can extract from the government and the hundreds of thousands of prisoners they have at their mercy.

A seething rebuke of the privatized prison system that delves deeply into the arcane and baroque financial chicanery involved in the 2008 financial crash, The Bezzle is a sizzling follow-up to Red Team Blues.

Cory Doctorow is a science fiction author, activist and journalist. He is the author of many books, most recently Radicalized and Walkaway, science fiction for adults; Chokepoint Capitalism with co-author Rebecca Giblin, nonfiction about monopoly and creative labor markets; In Real Life, a graphic novel and the picture book Poesy the Monster Slayer. His novel Attack Surface is a standalone adult sequel to Little Brother, San Francisco Public Library's 2008 One City One Book selection. In 2020, Doctorow was inducted into the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.

Cory Doctorow Official Website 

Robin Sloan is a fiction writer whose novels have been translated into more than a dozen languages. He splits his time between the San Francisco Bay Area and the San Joaquin Valley of California.

Robin Sloan Official Website

Book sale with Books Inc.

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