2:00 - 5:00
A Magical Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration! Experience the enchanting beauty of the Mid-Autumn Festival with melodious songs written by poet Cao Shukun and composer Yu Weidong, and some captivating Chinese folk music, Immerse yourself in the rich traditions and cultural heritage of this special occasion.
Performance Highlights:
- Featuring performances by singers Tammy Tan, Li Yonghong, Qian Hao, and others, singing songs composed by Cao Shukun and Yu Weidong, as well as famous songs from both China and abroad.
- The American Asian Elderly Charity Association Art Troupe will perform poetry and songs composed by Cao Shukun and Yu Weidong.
- The Cao Shukun Cultural Heritage Foundation band will play Cantonese music and Chinese folk music related to the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The performance is in partnership with Cao Shukun Cultural Heritage Foundation, Yu Weidong Music Studio, The American Asian Elderly Charity Association Art Troupe and US-Sino Culture Experience Consortium.
一場詩化的慶祝中秋節音樂會!體驗中秋節的迷人之美,欣賞詩人曹樹堃和作曲家于維東創作的悅耳歌曲,以及引人入勝的中國民樂, 沉浸在這傳統一節日的深厚文化底蘊中。
- 由包括譚念帖、李詠紅、錢皓等名歌手演唱曹樹堃、于維东創作的古今诗詞歌曲和中外名歌
- 由美國亞洲耆英慈善會藝術團演唱曹樹堃和于維东創作的古今詩詞歌曲
- 由曹樹堃文化傳承基金会樂隊演奏同月亮有关的廣東音樂以及中國民樂
Dance & Music
Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.
AANHPI Interest
Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
Connect with AANHPI heritage with programs and workshops, book recommendations and more.
Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.
活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin