
Celebration: Why I Ride: Low and Slow, Film Screening and Lowrider Party

Presented by Conscious Youth Media Crew and the Ray Balberan Mission Mediarts Archive.
Sábado, 7/27/2024
2:00 - 5:00
Fulton Street Steps
Koret Auditorium
Koret Lobby
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Get ready for a celebration of the San Francisco Lowrider scene! 

Join us for a day packed with excitement, including members of the San Francisco Lowrider Council with cars, music from DJ Wray Velez of the Frisco Gang Vinyl Collective, button-making, book give-away and concludes with a film screening with a filmmaker discussion.

Schedule of Events:

  • 2 p.m.: Lowrider Cars on Fulton St. Steps, featuring music by DJ Wray Velez of the Frisco Gang Vinyl Collective, button-making and more
  • 3:30 p.m.: Special film screening of "Why I Ride: Low and Slow," followed by a filmmaker discussion

Experience the essence of the Mission Street cruising tradition in Why I Ride: Low and Slow, a documentary presented by the Conscious Youth Media Crew, Debra Koffler and Vero Majano.

Ray Balberan, filmmaker, activist, and community leader, is a lifelong advocate for youth rights and has documented the history of the Mission District over five decades.

Loriz “Ginger” Godines is a Bay area filmmaker. She learned film archiving at Oddball Films in the Mission District in the early 2000s. Ginger’s short films have been recognized by the San Francisco Latino Film Festival. 

Debra Koffler  is an independent documentary filmmaker focusing on music, oral history and biographical storytelling. An arts educator, Debra founded Conscious Youth Media Crew, a youth leadership media production program established in 2002 in San Francisco’s Mission District, specializing in bringing 21st century digital filmmaking training and resources to community youth. Her film Beats, Rhymes, and Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest won the prestigious Producers Guild Award, and a Grammy nomination in 2012.

Vero Majano is a multi-disciplinary artist born and raised in San Francisco’s Mission District. As a storyteller and curator, Majano’s practice includes live cinema, archival film, performance and collage, which preserve stories and work towards a collective goal of including untold narratives in a greater San Francisco history, like the flowers or hippies on Haight Street. Her work creates space to acknowledge and remember the queer Latinx communities that have shaped one of San Francisco's most iconic yet contested neighborhoods.

Presented by Conscious Youth Media Crew and the Ray Balberan Mission Mediarts Archive.


Conscious Youth Media - Website 

Mission MediaArts Archive - Website

San Francisco Lowrider Council - WebsiteSan Francisco Lowrider Council - InstagramSan Francisco Lowrider Council - Facebook

Mission Mediarts Archive logoCYMC Logo

Watch party and film discussions. 

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Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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