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Performance: Deep Ecology and Deep Listening

Everybody's Climate
Miércoles, 7/31/2024
6:00 - 6:45
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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This program by the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble explores music of primarily Californian composers whose music is connected to the earth and to the climate, music which asks us to listen deeply to the natural world. Works include Pauline Oliveros' Tree/Peace, Monica Chew's Ice Calf, Kaija Saariaho's Nocturne for Solo Violin and Peteris Vasks' Landscape with Birds

Left Coast Chamber Ensemble (LCCE), founded in 1992, is a consortium of 17 San Francisco Bay Area musicians who create exciting performances of all types of classical music for all types of audiences. We work as a cohesive collective of artists who share values of integrity, quality, inclusion, service, curiosity, and advocacy. LCCE centers the music of our time in conversation with musical influences of the past, combining a vast repertoire into thematic performances in our established and well-received concert series. With Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, nothing is out of bounds, and anything is possible.


Allegra Chapman, piano: Driven by her passion for connecting audiences with historically overlooked and living composers, pianist Allegra Chapman is a member of Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, San Francisco Contemporary Music Players and the award-winning Chordless duo with soprano Sara LeMesh, and she teaches at San Francisco Conservatory of Music's Pre-College.

Leighton Fong, cello: Leighton Fong, longtime member of the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, is Principal Cellist of the California Symphony.

Stacey Pelinka, flute: Stacey Pelinka performs old and new music on the flute as a longtime member of the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble and several local orchestras, and she teaches at UC Berkeley and UC Davis.

Anna Presler, violin: Anna Presler, longtime member of Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, is also a faculty member at Sacramento State School of Music.

Connect: Left Coast Chamber Ensemble - Website  | Left Coast Chamber Ensemble – Instagram | Left Coast Chamber Ensemble – FacebookLeft Coast Chamber Ensemble – YouTube

Everybody’s Climate 2024: Connect with others to address the climate crisis in ways that are meaningful to you, from poetry and music to science and practical action.

Find out how to adopt a greener lifestyle and discover the outdoors with SFPL and its partners.

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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