Film: Lasa And Legacy: A Docuseries About Filipino American Activism And Food

Martes, 10/29/2024
5:00 - 7:00
Excelsior Meeting Room

4400 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112
Estados Unidos

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A not to miss screening of ‘Lasa and Legacy,’ a captivating docuseries showcasing pivotal chapters in Filipino American history within the San Francisco Bay Area. Following the screening, engage in a panel discussion and Q&A session. 


Part documentary, part cooking show, Lasa and Legacy is a docuseries highlighting four stories in Filipino American history in the San Francisco Bay Area, including the Filipino farm labor movement, the struggle for the International Hotel in the 1960s and ‘70s, activism in Filipino punk culture, and the SF-based anti-dictatorship movement during Martial Law in the Philippines. The show’s special touch? Each episode features a mouthwatering cooking segment of a Filipino dish related to that history. The docuseries was primarily filmed in the SOMA Pilipinas Cultural District of San Francisco.


Directed and Produced by Rachel Bundoc Lucero. Director of Photography: Scott Gonzales Cooper. Featuring Vivian Bejarin, Rupert Estanislao, Estella Habal, Jeanette Lazam, Daniel Lazo, Jorge Octaviano, Romeo Pagdilao-Reyes, Andrew Paguio and Nilo Van Tassel. Funded by Balay Kreative Studios and Patrons of The Sago Show.


Rachel Bundoc Lucero is a Filipina-American artist and community organizer based in San Francisco. Through her online video series, “The Sago Show”, she challenges viewers to explore topics in Filipino history and current events through the lens of food. Lucero's most recent project, "Lasa and Legacy" is part documentary and part cooking show, and delves into the history of Filipino American activism through community interviews, archival photographs, and cooking segments. Through her work, Lucero empowers Filipino viewers to connect with a history of activism and to take action for their community and homeland. Lucero's work has been exhibited in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and profiled by Taste Cooking, Tatler Asia, and The Filipino Channel. Lucero is a member of Malaya Movement San Francisco, an organization that works towards democracy, human rights, and sovereignty for Filipinos in the diaspora and in the Philippines. 



Lasa and Legacy - Website 

The Sago Show Website | The Sago Show - Instagram | The Sago Show - YouTube

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Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

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