6:00 - 7:00
Estados Unidos
San Francisco Poet Laureate Kim Shuck presentas of a night of poets, featuring special guests, themes and writing groups. In October we honor Latinx Heritage month with poets Josiah Luis Alderete, Lourdes Figuroa and more.
Josiah Luis Alderete is a full blooded Pocho spanglish speaking poet from La Area Bahia who learned to write poetry in the kitchen of his Mama’s Mexican restaurant. He was a founding member of San Francisco's outspoken word troupe The Molotov Mouths and is also a radio insurgente whose stories have appeared on KALW’s “Crosscurrents" and whose show “The Spanglish Power Hour” aired on KPFA. He curates and hosts the Latinx reading series SPEAKING AXOLOTL in Oakland which happens every third Thursday of the month at Nomadic Press Studios. Josiah Luis Alderete's book of poems is forthcoming from Black Freighter Press.
Lourdes Figuroa is a proud 2009 and 2011 VONA alum. Her work has been published in the SF Poet’s 11 2008 & 2010, Generations Literary Magazine, Eleven Eleven, Something Worth Revisin. Spooky Actions Books published her first chapbook, yolotl, and Backwords Press recently published her poem, “War America War.” She received her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of San Francisco. Lourdes is a native of limbo nation and believes in your lung, your throat.
Reservation: http://bit.ly/PoemJam10-8-20
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¡VIVA!: Interés Latinx
Conéctese a interesantes discusiones y actuaciones relacionados con la comunidad latinx.
¡VIVA! en la Biblioteca es una celebración de la herencia, las culturas y las tradiciones latinx. San Francisco tiene una rica herencia latinx que es resaltada en una diversa gama de programas emocionantes para todas las edades, desde cuentos en español/bilingües hasta clases de cocina, pláticas de autores y presentaciones de arte y cultura.
Interés latinoamericano
Conéctate a interesantes pláticas y espectáculos relacionados a la comunidad latinoamericana.
Programas diseñados para celebrar el arte del poema, incluyendo lecturas y pláticas.