Workshop: DJ Lessons with Chungtech and Tap10

Sábado, 4/26/2025
2:00 - 3:00
Glen Park Meeting Room
Glen Park

2825 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94131
Estados Unidos

Contact Telephone

Learn how to DJ and/or brush up on your DJ skills with DJ Chungtech and Tap10. They'll have two stations for hands-on time and provide everything you need to get started. In this workshop, you'll be using DJ controllers and laptops to step into the world of digital DJing, learning how to cue music in and out of headphones, beatmatch and use Serato DJ Pro. You'll be DJing in no time!

 For ages 10–15. Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 355-2858.

About the DJs

DJ Chungtech got her DJ chops all over SF, DJing with an all-vinyl crew called Sweaterfunk that focuses on rare, uncovered boogie and modern funk grooves. You can find her as a resident of newly relocated Fault Radio, a studio and community-radio based in the Mission with her online radio show Public Access every 2nd Wednesday from 8-9:00pm, as well as DJing on both sides of the bay. She loves introducing people to the world of DJing.

DJ TAP.10 began his obsession with DJing while he was just in middle school. He would record mixes of Hip-Hop and R&B mixshows from local radio stations onto cassette tapes and then study the mixing techniques of his favorite DJs. The combination of technical wizardry and effortless crowd control defines his party rocking abilities which have landed him gigs and residencies throughout the Bay Area, and across the country. When he's not flexing his club DJ muscle, he handles A&R duty for Bay Area music collective, The Honor Roll and creates various themed DJ mixes like Champagne Soul and Tender Knock. 

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Build technology skills to create compelling content. 

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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