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Performance: A Celebration of Filipino American Poetry

Lunes, 10/4/2021
7:00 - 8:00

Barbara Jane Reyes, author and poet, curates an evening of poetry celebrating the Filipino American experience. Featuring Jason Magabo Perez, Pamela Santos and Charles Valle.


Watch on YouTube. 


Barbara Jane Reyes is the author of Letters to a Young Brown Girl (BOA Editions, Ltd., 2020). She was born in Manila, Philippines, raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and is the author of five previous collections of poetry, Gravities of Center (Arkipelago Books, 2003), Poeta en San Francisco (Tinfish Press, 2005), which received the James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets, Diwata (BOA Editions, Ltd., 2010), which received the Global Filipino Literary Award for Poetry, To Love as Aswang (Philippine American Writers and Artists, Inc., 2015) and Invocation to Daughters (City Lights Publishers, 2017).

Connect: Barbara Jane Reyes WebsiteBarbara Jane Reyes - InstagramBarbara Jane Reyes - Twitter


Jason Magabo Perez is a writer, performer, teacher, and scholar. Perez is the author of Phenomenology of Superhero (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2016) and This is for the mostless (WordTech Editions, 2017). Recipient of an NEA Challenge America Grant, and recent Artist-in-Residence at the Center for Art and Thought (CA+T), Perez has been a featured performer at notable venues such as National Asian American Theatre Festival, International Conference of the Philippines, La Jolla Playhouse, and Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions. Perez works as Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies at California State University San Marcos, and serves as the inaugural Community Arts Fellow at Bulosan Center and Associate Editor for Ethnic Studies Review. 

Connect: Jason Magabo Perez - Website | Jason Magabo Perez - Twitter


Pamela K. Santos is a Pinayorker writer and artist creating multilingual narratives on diasporic identity and hyphenated selves. Pamela co-founded Portland’s first Winter Poetry Festival and currently curates the Sari Not Sari installation series. A 2019 recipient of an Oregon Literary Fellowship, her poetry appears in Tayo Magazine, Anomaly, Newtown Literary, Stoked Words and the Unchaste Anthology.

Connect: Pamela K. Santos - Website | Pamela K. Santos - InstagramPamela K. Santos - Twitter


Charles Valle was born in Manila, Philippines, and immigrated to California when he was seven years old. He holds an AS in Chemistry from Saddleback College, a BA in English from University of California, Irvine, and an MFA in Poetry from University of Notre Dame. Since 2006, he has served as one of the Poetry Editors at FENCE Magazine. Charles currently resides in Portland, OR, where he works as a Change Manager for Nike as well as serves on the Board of Directors for the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC). His first book, Proof of Stake, will be published by Fonograf Editions later this year.

Connect: Charles Valle - Twitter

Conéctate con tus escritores favoritos y descubre tu próxima lectura.

Conéctate a interesantes pláticas y espectáculos relacionados a la comunidad filipino-americana.

Programas diseñados para celebrar el arte del poema, incluyendo lecturas y pláticas.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.




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