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Celebration: Poets Honor Janice Mirikitani

星期六, 8/14/2021
2:00 - 3:30

Poets celebrate the life and legacy of Janice Mirikitani. Featuring San Francisco Poet Laureates past and present, Tongo Eisen-Martin (January 2021 – present), Kim Shuck (June 2017 – January 2021), Alejandro Murguía (July 2012 – December 2015), Jack Hirschman (January 2006 – January 2008, devorah major (April 2002 – April 2004). Along with many esteemed and loved poets from the Bay Area and beyond,  Aileen Cassinetto, Susan Kitazawa, Genny Lim, Lauren Ito, Kimi Sugioka, Dr. Mary Wardell Ghirarduzzi,  Michael Warr, Nelly Wong with more to come.


Watch on YouTube. 


Janice Mirikitani was a visionary, a revolutionary artist and the very embodiment of San Francisco’s compassionate spirit. As a poet, including as Poet Laureate of this City from 2000 to 2002, she used the power of her words to further the fight for equality and to call for a more just and peaceful world. Through her work at Glide Memorial Church, along with her husband the Reverend Cecil Williams, she served our most vulnerable residents for decades and provided a place of refuge and love for all. She was boundless in her energy and in her devotion to this City and to her fellow San Franciscans.






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