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Author: Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda

Domingo, 7/25/2021
2:00 - 3:30
Biblioteca virtual

Estados Unidos

Kim McMillon hosts writers featured in the new anthology Black Panther: Tales ofWakanda. Award-winning authors Jesse J. Holland, Danian Darrell Jerry, Kyoko M,  Glenn Parris, and Sheree Renée Thomas read selections from Black Panther and share their insights on science fiction, fantasy, Afrofuturism, and the enduring power of Wakanda.

Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda is a ground-breaking anthology celebrating Marvel’s beloved Black Panther and his home of Wakanda. The first mainstream superhero of African descent, the Black Panther has attracted readers of all races and colors who see in the King of Wakanda reflections of themselves.

Dr. Kim McMillon is a producer, playwright, and contributor to the new anthology Some Other Blues: New Perspectives on Amiri Baraka. Connect - Website

Jesse J. Holland is the editor of Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda. His many award-winning books include The Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther?, The Invisibles: The Untold Story of African American Slaves Inside the White House, Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Finn's Story and Black Men Built The Capitol: Discovering African American History in and Around Washington, D.C.  He is currently the Saturday host for C-SPAN Washington Journal as well as an assistant professor of Media & Public Affairs at The George Washington University. Connect - Website

Danian Darrell Jerry teaches literature at the University of Memphis and is a fiction editor for Obsidian Magazine. His work appears or is forthcoming in Fireside, Apex Magazine and Trouble the Waters: Tales from the Deep. Connect – Website

Kyoko M is the author of the acclaimed urban fantasy series The Black Parade and the science-fiction series Of Cinder and Bone. Connect - Website

Glenn Parris is an author who works across genres, including medical mystery, Afrofuturistic science fiction, and historical fiction. His novel The Renaissance of Aspirin and his paranormal fantasy Unbitten: A Vampire Dream have been adapted to screenplays, and his speculative science fiction novel, Dragon's Heir: The Archeologist's Tale is forthcoming. A rheumatologist, Parris has practiced medicine in the Atlanta area for over thirty years. Connect - Website

Sheree Renée Thomas is the author of Nine Bar Blues: Stories from an Ancient Future and the two-time World Fantasy Award-winning editor of the landmark Black speculative fiction anthology series, Dark Matter. She is editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, associate editor of Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora, co-editor of the forthcoming Trouble the Waters: Tales of the Deep Blue and co-curator of the online exhibition Curating the End of the World: Red Spring. Connect - Website


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Conéctese a interesantes discusiones y actuaciones relacionados con la comunidad negra.

Más que un Mes reconoce acontecimientos importantes de la historia negra, honra a los líderes comunitarios y nacionales y fomenta los pasos hacia un cambio colectivo. La programación incluye autores, poetas y clases de artesanía.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.




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