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Activity: SF City Guides Walking Tours - Gold Rush City

A partnership with San Francisco City Guides
Saturday, 7/20/2024
10:00 - 12:00
City Guides: Gold Rush City

Transamerica Pyramid Clay St.
San Francisco , CA 94111
United States

Step back to the frenzied days of 1848 as gold fever grips San Francisco, transforming a sleepy village into a bustling metropolis overnight. Explore the captivating tales of fires, gangs and larger-than-life characters that shaped the city's legendary Gold Rush era.


“Gold! Gold from the American River!”, shouted San Francisco businessman Sam Brannan, as he ran down Montgomery Street in May,1848, waving a jar filled with gold over his head, sparking the Gold Rush. As word spread rapidly around the world, the tiny village of San Francisco, tucked amidst massive sand dunes by the Bay, and frequented by grizzly bears and mountain lions, was transformed virtually overnight into a booming instant city. Learn about the incredible fires, gangs, vigilantes, shanghaiing, the Pony Express and the larger-than-life characters, like Mark Twain, Emperor Norton, and Levi Strauss, who walked the famously muddy streets. Walk above the fleet of abandoned ships, still full of cargo, buried beneath today’s skyscrapers. Hear how the Gold Rush sparked the largest peacetime migration in world history, catapulting California into statehood. Discover how treasure seekers converged from over a dozen nations around the world with diverse languages and customs to create the dynamic and tolerant character of the multi ethnic city we see today.


Meet at the sidewalk on the TransAmerica Pyramid (north) side of the Clay Street opposite the Starbucks on Clay.


Space Limited. Reservations required: (415) 557-4411 or

Connect: San Francisco City Guides - Website | San Francisco City Guides - Instagram


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This program is sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.

Attending Programs

For questions about the program or help registering, contact sfplcpp@sfpl.orgAll programs are drop-in (no registration necessary) unless otherwise noted. All SFPL locations are wheelchair accessible. For accommodations (such as ASL or language interpretation), call (415) 557-4557 or contact Requesting at least 3 business days in advance will help ensure availability.

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