Film and video
Sunday, 3/15/2020
3:00 - 5:00
Richmond Meeting Room
Richmond/Senator Milton Marks

351 9th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
United States

Contact Telephone

A screening of Toronto Sunday, Jandek’s most elaborate concert movie captured by five cameras at a performance in Canada on 17 September 2006. Known as the Representative from Corwood Industries, Jandek’s vocals and synthesizers are here accompanied by three guest musicians. NR, 117 mins., 2007.

The screening will be preceded by introductory comments placing the movie within the context of Jandek’s overall career, which is explored further in the preceding presentation on March 14, 2020.

Presenter Nikolai Sadik-Ogli has degrees from Indiana University and San Jose State University, works as an archivist and contributes regularly to the online Finnish cultural journal Mustekala. This two-part presentation is based on a book-length manuscript he has written about Jandek.
