raised fist gripping a microphone
Episode 6: Healthcare & Corporate Medicine
Saturday, 9/19/2020
3:00 - 4:15
Virtual Library

United States

Further explore the themes presented in the San Francisco Mime Troupe's Tales of the Resistance with the Troupe, our community partners and experts in the field in one of our facilitated post-listening discussions hosted by San Francisco Public Library.

Listen to Episode 6, "Susie Terse, Novice Nurse: Diagnosis Capitalism" at sfmt.org. Then, tune in to the Library's post-listening discussion on YouTube.

To build on Episode 6, "Susie Terse: 'Diagnosis Capitalism'," we have assembled a panel about healthcare and corporate medicine. We will hear from Susan Segal, former nurse and member of the California Nurses Association, Mime Troupe artists, and other Bay Area healthcare advocates.

Come discuss how healthcare in the U.S. could change for better or for worse.