Wednesday, 1/13/2021
10:00 - 11:00
Virtual Library

United States

Looking for grants for your nonprofit?

Learn how to use Candid’s Foundation Directory Online (FDO). 

Ninety percent of foundations don't have websites! FDO is the most comprehensive prospect research tool for fundraisers, with nearly 200,000 grantmaker profiles. 

This virtual class provides a 40-minute overview of how to look for grants using FDO Essential, as well as how to use Candid’s other services. After this formal instruction, you can request a short (up to 15 minutes) one-on-one session with a Candid representative –via Zoom–to help with your specific questions.


NOTE: This class is for nonprofit organizations looking for funding. It is not geared to individuals seeking grants. We recommend you view our free one-hour webinar, Introduction to Finding Grants, before attending. 

San Francisco Public Library is a member of Candid’s Funding Information Network, a consortium of partners that provide local nonprofit communities with access to funding databases, nonprofit trainings and the opportunity to connect with like-minded social sector professionals. 

Foundation Center by Candid
