Illustration of girl reading book and a tree showing things you can do at the Library
Monday, 7/12/2021
2:00 - 2:15

Can you make a color changing liquid that measures pH? Learn about the acids, bases and more with this colorful experiment. Gather 2 jars, 2 fresh leaves of red cabbage, hot water, a strainer, 3 clear glasses, measuring cups and spoons, baking soda and white vinegar for this vivid challenge with Librarian Anita.

Watch on YouTube

STEM Challenge is created by the San Francisco Public Library from the Youth Librarian STEM team. Stay STEM-tastic by reading, learning and experimenting at home.

In response to feedback from our Black community and staff, we updated the original name STEM Challenge Yo’Self to STEM Challenge on July 19, 2021. We recognize the original title is appropriated from Black vernacular and perpetuates racism, and has caused harm to our Black/BIPOC community members and staff. Our library is working towards being an anti-racist institution and committed to doing better.