Illustration of girl reading book and a tree showing things you can do at the Library
A partnership with the National Park Service and Presidio Trust
Saturday, 6/25/2022
10:30 - 2:30
Chinatown Meeting Room
Chinatown/Him Mark Lai

1135 Powell Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
United States

Contact Telephone

Take a shuttle from the Chinatown Branch Library and make your way up to the Golden Gate Bridge along the Presidio Promenade and read the picture book, The Hike by Alison Farrell, in English and Cantonese. After the guided exploration with a NPS Ranger and Presidio staff, hop on the shuttle to return to the library. 


Registration is full. Email, phone or stop by the Chinatown Branch Library to reserve your spot on the waitlist.


Be sure to bring a bottle of water, a bag lunch and snack, sunscreen and hat, an extra layer or jacket, comfortable walking shoes and your camera. 
