A ball of purple and turquoise yarn, a crochet hook and a crocheted square sitting on a flat surface
Tuesday, 4/26/2022
12:00 - 1:00

Crochet a 4x4 inch square to use as a trivet, potholder or coaster. Instruction is provided as part of the program. Event is geared to beginners, but all levels are welcome.

You will need:

  • Ball of yarn
  • Crochet hook
  • Phone, or computer with internet access

Sign-up: If you want materials, please register by calling us at (415) 557-4253 or email us at talkingbooks@sfpl.org. Registration ends on April 12, 2022 and is limited to the first 10 people. Drop-ins are welcome for those who do not need materials provided.


Participants joining via the Zoom platform will be admitted from the Zoom waiting room. If you wish to participate by phone via our call-out feature, please get in touch with us and let us know. Staff will be available to call participants into the meeting.

Liz Phillips provides instruction as part of the program. It will be geared to beginners, but all levels welcome. Phillips is a Braillist at Talking Books and Braille Center and amateur crochet artist.