Friday, 4/8/2022
10:00 - 10:45

Asian hate crimes are on the rise. What can we do as a bystander to help a victim in a hate crime? Our speaker discusses how we can use our five senses to become an active bystander. Learn how you can help victims of a hate crime, while ensuring your safety. This program is co-sponsored by the NICOS Chinese Health Coalition.

講座內容: 亞洲仇恨犯罪正在上升。 作為旁觀者,我們可以做些什麼來幫助仇恨犯罪的受害者? 當我們是受害者時,我們該怎麼辦? 最重要的是,我們如何在確保自身安全的同時提供幫助? 在本講座中,您將了解有關在目睹仇恨犯罪事件和成為受害者時該怎麼做的提示和策略。