Sunday, 5/8/2022
10:00 - 11:00

Get creative and hear about the ongoing journey of Real Soul, formerly This Asian American Life. What started as webcomics on Facebook has shifted into a supportive community of artists, educators and storytellers who have one mission in mind — make transformative change creatively. They focus on their running themes, process and what the future is shaping up to look like. Their presentation includes a Q&A and creative workshop where you, too, can unleash your inner artist and tell a story the world’s been waiting for. All we ask is that you bring an open heart, mind, paper and pencil.


Real Soul makes the past present and accessible through ready-made visual stories and lesson guides for educators. They work with community artists and historians to weave Asian American and other BIPOC experiences together in classrooms. Their work aims to remind people that they do not stand alone, but rather, stand on the shoulders of many ancestors. With each story they tell, they hope that students and teachers alike may find a safe space knowing that they are rooted and validated in history and in themselves.

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Real Soul - Website | Real Soul - Instagram