Community & Neighborhood
Presented via Zoom by the Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative
Wednesday, 3/22/2023
6:00 - 7:00
Glen Park Meeting Room
Glen Park

2825 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94131
United States

Contact Telephone

Learn about the common title issues that may affect your property and how you can get free help from a lawyer if you qualify.

Clear title is ownership of your property that is free of claims, doubts, and disputes about ownership. Titles can become "cloudy" for many reasons, including when someone dies without a will or from liens or encumbrances.

This presentation will be offered via Zoom by the Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative, a coalition of nonprofits, legal aid organizations, government entities and law firms in California working together to offer free legal services to the communities in the aftermath of natural disasters. They will go over all things title clearing with time remaining at the end of the presentation for questions.