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Food demonstration of Refrigerator Pickles by Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff
Thursday, 8/10/2023
5:00 - 6:30
Western Addition Meeting Room
Western Addition

1550 Scott Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
United States

Contact Telephone

Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff, Author of Flavors of India: A vegetarian Indian Cuisine and Cooking Together: a Vegetarian Co-op Cookbook will discuss the importance of organic food products as it relates to making refrigerator pickles. Shanta will discuss organic farming and challenges faced by small organic farmers for certification. This discussion will be facilitated by a PowerPoint presentation. 

Shanta will discuss the tradition of pickling and the health benefits of eating pickled foods and provide a cooking demonstration using two methods, one using raw vegetables and one using briefly cooked vegetables.

Shanta will serve samples of premade pickles with homemade chai and crackers while answering questions from the audience.

Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 355-5727 (beginning July 10)