Presentation AI-Generated Journalism - Maggie Harrison.png
Friday, 2/9/2024
11:00 - 12:00

Uncover the new and alarming practice some publishers have been employing of using generative AI to write content, as seen with Sports Illustrated, USA Today and other news outlets.

Maggie Harrison Dupré, journalist at, broke the story in November 2023 that Sports Illustrated had been using AI-generated content on its website for months; earlier last year, she also reported on the use of AI-generated content by USA Today publisher Gannett. Go inside this disturbing practice with Harrison as she outlines a handful of examples from her own reporting of news outlets and magazine publishers dabbling, with little success, in using generative-AI to automate their content mill. Up for analysis are the ethical concerns, business aspects and technical issues at the heart of the conflict between machine-written articles and human-created journalism. In asking what could go wrong with using AI-generated content, we find that a lot can go wrong, actually. 


Maggie Harrison Dupré writes about technology for, with particular focus on AI, grief tech and the digital spaces we live in. She is based in New York City.  


Maggie Harrison – Futurism | Maggie Harrison – Website | Maggie Harrison – X