2:00 - 4:00
To celebrate the success of the first ever Mandarin learning classes in our four branches, we are hosting a ceremony for the community. Come join us for an exciting afternoon of slideshows, interactive games, extend learning resources and some snacks to taste the beauty of Taiwanese food culture.
This event is provided in partnership with the Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in San Francisco, Education Division of TECO-SF, Cultural Center of TECO-SF, Culture Center (Milpitas) of TECO-SF, Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning of Taiwanese American Center of Northern California, and Taiwanese American Center of Northern California and the Chinese Center of San Francisco Public Library.
慶祝我們今年夏季四個分館成功舉辦了第一個國語學習計劃,我們將舉辦學習成果發表會, 讓社區享受一個有趣的下午。活動包括各分館的成果發表,互動遊戲,教學資源分享,頒獎以及聯誼茶會。
本活動由舊金山公共圖書館中文中心与駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處教育組, 駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處,金山華僑文教服務中心,金山華僑文教服務中心(南灣), 北加州台灣會館台灣華語文學習中心及北加州台灣會館提供。