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Services: Magic ToothBus Visit

Servicios: Exámenes dentales con Magic ToothBus
Sunday, 4/14/2024
1:00 - 5:00
Mission Outside

1234 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States

Contact Telephone

The Magic ToothBus will be in front of the Mission Temporary Site giving free dental screenings to all ages, and sharing Oral Health resources and dental home referrals. They will also be giving brushing demonstrations and dental health kits.

El Magic ToothBus estará frente del sitio temporal de la Misión realizando exámenes dentales gratuitas a todas las edades y compartiendo recursos de salud bucodental y referencias de dentistas a domicilio. También harán demostraciones de cepillado y botiquínes de salud dental.


Magic ToothBus is a non-profit mobile dentistry that presents oral health care curriculum, performs preventative services, and helps families sign up for dental care in low income and marginalized communities within the San Francisco Bay Area Region.

Magic ToothBus es una organización móvil de odontología sin ánimo de lucro que presenta planes de estudio sobre salud bucodental, realiza servicios preventivos y ayuda a las familias a inscribirse para recibir atención odontológica en comunidades marginadas y de bajos ingresos de la región de la bahía de San Francisco.

Build better wellness practices and learn ways to improve your health.

Programa en español. Program in spoken Spanish.

This program is sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.

Attending Programs

All programs are drop-in (no registration necessary) unless otherwise noted. All SFPL locations are wheelchair accessible. For accommodations (such as ASL), call (415) 557-4557 or contact Requesting at least 3 business days in advance will help ensure availability.

This program will be conducted in English unless otherwise noted.

Notice: This event may be filmed or photographed. By participating in this event, you consent to have your likeness used for the Library’s archival purposes and promotional materials. If you do not want to be photographed, please inform a staff person or the photographer. A sticker will be provided to help identify you so that we can avoid capturing your image.

Public Notice and Disclaimer

This program uses a third-party website link. By clicking on the third-party website link, you will leave SFPL's website and enter a website not operated by SFPL. This service may collect personally identifying information about you, such as name, username, email address, and password. This service will treat the information it collects about you pursuant to its own privacy policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of each third-party website or service that you visit or use, including those third parties with whom you interact through our Library services. For more information about these third-party links, please see the section of SFPL’s Privacy Policy describing Links to Other Sites.

The views and opinions expressed in programs presented by groups unaffiliated with SFPL do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of SFPL or the City.