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Canceled: Presentation: Target Company List

Monday, 4/22/2024
10:00 - 11:30

Learn how looking at companies you would like to work for can lead to job opportunities. 


Most job seekers use job boards and search for open jobs to apply to. Let’s talk about another technique that starts with choosing companies you would like to work for and then pursuing the company, even if there are no posted openings. Sounds like a novel idea but it has been working effectively for decades and can work for you. Not all positions are posted on job boards. Future openings are definitely not posted. So here is the opportunity to choose the companies where you would like to work and let them know what a great addition you would be to their workforce. 


David G. Robins has been an instructor in job search skills for over 10 years and is also a Career Advisor. His background includes experience in large multi-national companies, small and medium size companies, non-profits and government. He earned his certificate as a Certified Professional in Learning & Performance (CPLP) from the international Association of Talent Development. 

This program is sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.

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