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Tuesday, 11/7/2023
10:00 - 11:30

Learn how to use the holiday season to drive your job search forward. 

The Myth: It is the holidays. Nobody is hiring. People are on vacation. Everything starts up again in the new year. 

 The Reality: Employers are hiring-it is a year-round process; Lots of networking opportunities; Less competition for available jobs; Budgets need to be spent; There is holiday spirit to share. 

Let’s delve further into how to use the holiday season to drive your job search forward. This is the time to take advantage of the season to make yourself stand out from the crowd. As we talk about why this is a good time to look for a job, we will share tips for job search in the holiday season. 


David G. Robins has been an instructor in job search skills for over 10 years and is also a Career Advisor. His background includes experience in large multi-national companies, small and medium size companies, non-profits and government. He earned his certificate as a Certified Professional in Learning & Performance (CPLP) from the international Association of Talent Development.