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Saturday, 1/13/2024
2:30 - 4:00
Chinatown Meeting Room
Chinatown/Him Mark Lai

1135 Powell Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
United States

Contact Telephone

If you're an older adult looking for assistance with your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, join us at the Chinatown Branch Library.

Volunteers from the SF Tech Council will be on hand to help you overcome your tech-related challenges, and you'll have the chance to win a free tablet device. 

In addition, information about signing up for the free or low-cost internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program will be provided. We'll help you figure out if you qualify!



三藩市科技委員會(SF Tech Council)的志願者現場協助您解決科技相關的問題,同時您將有機會贏得一部免費的平板電腦。

此外,我們還提供有關如何申請平價連線計畫(Affordable Connectivity Program)以獲得免費或低價互聯網服務的資訊。我們將協助您確認是否符合資格!