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2-13-24 Taxes Stay Out of Trouble - Work It - Booked Website Banner .png
Tuesday, 2/13/2024
12:00 - 1:00

It’s rarely a good day when you get a letter or phone call from the IRS. Most of us do our best to report on time and pay our fair share, but what we really want is to stay under the radar and out of trouble. We’ll talk about who has to file a return; what kinds of income you need to report; which things you can estimate, and which ones you have to report exactly; what kind of errors draw attention; some common triggers for audits; who has to pay estimated taxes; and what kind of records you need to keep and how long you have to keep them.

About the speaker: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, EA, is the Principal at Clarity Financial, a woman-owned, fee-only financial planning firm based in San Francisco. She works with individuals and couples on retirement planning; equity compensation; tax planning; risk management; investments; budgeting, saving, and debt management; and more. She also prepares tax returns and teaches courses in financial planning and income tax.

Heather Liston

Clarity Financial


This Zoom event will be available to watch in the Learning Studio, 5th floor, Main Library.

In-person attendance does not require registration; seats available first come, first served.
