Illustration of girl reading book and a tree showing things you can do at the Library
A partnership with Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco
Tuesday, 7/30/2024
3:00 - 5:00
Mission Bay Program Room
Mission Bay

960 4th Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
United States

Contact Telephone

Led by experienced teachers, children engage in Mandarin language learning through vibrant Storytime sessions and fun hands-on activities. Age: 2-10  Registration is required. Please call: (415) 355-2838

There will be 8 sessions. All classes are from 3-5pm. Parents must be present.

  • Tuesday 6/25
  • Tuesday 7/2
  • Tuesday 7/9
  • Tuesday 7/16
  • Tuesday 7/23
  • Tuesday 7/30
  • Tuesday 8/6
  • Sunday 8/18

由經驗豐富的教師帶領,孩子們透過生動的故事時間和有趣的活動學習中文。年齡: 2-10  需提前報名。請致電:(415) 355-2838

This program is provided by a partnership with the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, Taiwanese American Center, and Mission Bay Branch Library.

此課程由臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組、聖亞納中文學校和日落區分館圖書館合作提供。北加州台灣會館- 華語文學中心