Sunday, 7/21/2024
2:30 - 4:00
Parkside General Floor Area

1200 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA 94116
United States

Contact Telephone

We gather over tea, cake, cookies and talk about death. Laughter often accompanies the sharing of beliefs, fears and experiences, with no agenda or proselytizing allowed. 


Jim Van Buskirk, a retired SFPL librarian, has co-facilitated Death Cafes since 2016. He volunteers with Final Exit Network, a national right-to-die organization, and has presented programs on death and dying at various venues.


Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 355-5770. Reservations begin 7/1/24.


Let’s Talk Death or Death, Dying and Grief, oh my! – A Series 

This event is part of a larger series exploring death in a safe and secure setting, let’s explore the topic together.