Viva Calixto Robles1.png
Saturday, 8/24/2024
3:00 - 5:00
Bernal Heights Meeting Room
Bernal Heights

500 Cortland Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States

Contact Telephone

The event and waitlist are full.

Create your own work of print art using pre-prepared screens. Paper will be provided, bring your own tote bag or tee-shirt to get printed. 

Calixto Robles is a painter, printmaker and sculptor from Oaxaca, Mexico. Inspired by the myths, symbols, colors and ancient traditions of Meso-America, he mixes the silkscreen techniques, which enhance texture and brilliant color, with drawn and found images. Robles’ paintings explore magical realms while his ceramics allow him to reconnect with earthly materials. 

Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 355-2810. 


Calixto Robles - Website | Calixto Robles - Instagram | Calixto Robles -  Facebook