It's never too early or too late to start sharing rhymes, songs and books with your child!
Storytimes are an opportunity for parents and caregivers to learn new songs and ideas to enhance early literacy interactions with their youngsters everyday. In addition, children find storytimes entertaining! Every San Francisco Public Library location has weekly storytime offerings.
Storytime for Babies: Songs, rhymes and books for infants and their caregivers.
Storytime for Toddlers: Books, songs, movement and more. For toddlers 16 months through age 2 and their caregivers.
Storytime for Preschoolers: Books, songs, fingerplays and more for ages 3–5.
Storytime for Families: Books, songs, rhymes and fun for children of all ages.
Look below for our storytime calendar, early literacy resources, including songs featured during storytimes.
Sweet Songs - SFPL Storytime Favorites

Wonderful books to share together, handpicked by SFPL librarians just for you.
Favorite Books for Babies
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little ToesFox, Mem
Babies on the GoAshman, Linda
The Baby Goes BeepO'Connell, Rebecca
Barnyard BanterFleming, Denise
Big Fat HenBaker, Keith
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?Martin, Bill
Chugga-chugga Choo-chooLewis, Kevin
Clap your HandsEllwand, David
The Cuddle BookGenechten, Guido van
Dear ZooCampbell, Rod
DoggiesBoynton, Sandra
First the EggSeeger, Laura Vaccaro
Five Little DucksBates, Ivan
From Head to ToeCarle, Eric
Golden BearYoung, Ruth
Growing ColorsMcMillan, Bruce
Hands CanHudson, Cheryl Willis
Here Are My HandsMartin, Bill
Hooray for Fish!Cousins, Lucy
Hurry! Hurry!Bunting, Eve
I Heard A Little BaaMacLeod, Elizabeth
I Kissed the Baby!Murphy, Mary
I Like It WhenMurphy, Mary
I Went WalkingWilliams, Sue
JamberryDegen, Bruce
Kitten's First Full MoonHenkes, Kevin
Little LionsArnosky, Jim
Moo, Baa, La La La!Boynton, Sandra
My CarBarton, Byron
Peek in My PocketCarter, David A.
Please, Baby, PleaseLee, Spike
Pots and PansHubbell, Patricia
The Seals on the BusHort, Lenny
Sleepytime RhymeCharlip, Remy
Spot's Playtime Pop-up BookHill, Eric
Ten in the BedEllwand, David
Ten, Nine, EightBang, Molly
This Is the FarmerTafuri, Nancy
This Little ChickLawrence, John
Time to Get Dressed!Savadier, Elivia
Tomie DePaola's Mother Goose
The Very Hungry CaterpillarCarle, Eric
Where's Spot?Hill, Eric
Whose Baby Am I?Butler, John
Whose Chick Are You?Tafuri, Nancy
Wow! City!Neubecker, Robert
Favorite Books for Toddlers
Baby Danced the PolkaBeaumont, Karen
Catherine and Laurence Anholt's Big Book of Little ChildrenAnholt, Catherine
Big Fat HenBaker, Keith
Big Red BarnBrown, Margaret Wise
Butterfly, ButterflyHoráček, Petr
Bosco's Busy MorningMurphy, Chuck
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?Martin, Bill
Busy, Busy City StreetMeister, Cari
Charlie ChickDenchfield, Nick
Chicka Chicka Boom BoomMartin, Bill
Chuck's TruckAnderson, Peggy Perry
Clip-clopSmee, Nicola
Cock-a-doodle Quack! Quack!Baddiel, Ivor
Dinosaur Stomp!Stickland, Paul
The Family BookParr, Todd
Feathers for LunchEhlert, Lois
Firefighters to the Rescue!Hamilton, Kersten
Five Little DucksRaffi
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the BedChristelow, Eileen
Fix It, SamRies, Lori
From Head to ToeCarle, Eric
Giddy-up! Let's Ride!McDonnell, Flora
Go Away, Big Green Monster!Emberley, Ed
Good Morning, ChickGinsburg, Mirra
"Hi, Pizza Man!"Walter, Virginia A.
Hondo & FabianMcCarty, Peter
I Love My DaddyBraun, Sebastien
I Love Trains!Sturges, Philemon
I Spy PetsGibbs, Edward
I'm the Biggest Thing in the OceanSherry, Kevin
If You're Happy and You Know ItCabrera, Jane
It's Okay to Be DifferentParr, Todd
Kangaroo and CricketSiomades, Lorianne
Little GorillaBornstein, Ruth
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big…Wood, Don
Morningtown RideReynolds, Malvina
Night LightBlechman, Nicholas
No, David!Shannon, David
The Odd EggGravett, Emily
On Our Way HomeBraun, Sebastien
Over in the MeadowLangstaff, John M.
Pumpkin TroubleThomas, Jan
Preschool to the RescueSierra, Judy
Salamander RockMitter, Matt
The Seals on the BusHort, Lenny
A Splendid Friend, IndeedBloom, Suzanne
SubwaySuen, Anastasia
Tanka Tanka Skunk!Webb, Steve
This Is the FarmerTafuri, Nancy
The Three BearsBarton, Byron
Time for BedFox, Mem
Tip Tip Dig DigGarcia, Emma
To Market, to MarketMiranda, Anne
Trashy TownZimmerman, Andrea Griffing
The Very Hungry CaterpillarCarle, Eric
Where Is the Green Sheep?Fox, Mem
Who Hoots?Davis, Katie
Whose Nose and Toes?Butler, John
The Wide-mouthed FrogFaulkner, Keith
Wiggle, WaggleLondon, Jonathan
Wow! City!Neubecker, Robert
You Can Do It Too!Baicker, Karen
Favorite Books for Preschoolers
ABC Is for CircusHruby, Patrick
The Baby Beebee BirdMassie, Diane Redfield
Bark, GeorgeFeiffer, Jules
Big Smelly BearTeckentrup, Britta
Black? White! Day? Night!Seeger, Laura Vaccaro
Chickens to the RescueHimmelman, John
Click, Clack, MooCronin, Doreen
Dinosaur KissesStein, David Ezra
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!Willems, Mo
Every FridayYaccarino, Dan
From Head to ToeCarle, Eric
Go Away, Big Green Monster!Emberley, Ed
A Grand Old TreeDePalma, Mary Newell
Grumpy CatTeckentrup, Britta
Hooray for Birds!Cousins, Lucy
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?Yolen, Jane
I Don't Like Gloria!Umansky, Kaye
Jump, Frog, Jump!Kalan, Robert
Kitten's First Full MoonHenkes, Kevin
Leo the Late BloomerKraus, Robert
Leap Back Home to MeThompson, Lauren
Leonardo the Terrible MonsterWillems, Mo
Little PeaRosenthal, Amy Krouse
Presenting Little White DuckWhippo, Walt
Llama, Llama Red PajamaDewdney, Anna
Lola at the LibraryMcQuinn, Anna
Look Out, Suzy GooseHoráček, Petr
A Mother for ChocoKasza, Keiko
Not A BoxPortis, Antoinette
Officer Buckle and GloriaRathmann, Peggy
Owl BabiesWaddell, Martin
Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore!McPhail, David
The PuddleMcPhail, David
Red-eyed Tree FrogCowley, Joy
RainStojic, Manya
The Seals on the BusHort, Lenny
The ToolboxRockwell, Anne F.
There Was An Old MonsterEmberley, Rebecca
There's An Alligator Under My BedMayer, Mercer
To Be A KidAjmera, Maya
Trashy TownZimmerman, Andrea Griffing
Walter Was WorriedSeeger, Laura Vaccaro
Where the Wild Things AreSendak, Maurice
There Are No Animals in This Book!Sanchez, Chani
The Wing on A FleaEmberley, Ed
The Wolf's Chicken StewKasza, Keiko
Who Hops?Davis, Katie
The Very Busy SpiderCarle, Eric
Yesterday I Had the BluesFrame, Jeron Ashford
Yummy!Rotner, Shelley
Favorite Books for Families
Baby RattlesnakeAta, Te
Bark, GeorgeFeiffer, Jules
Bear Snores onWilson, Karma
Big Smelly BearTeckentrup, Britta
The Birthday PetJavernick, Ellen
Butterfly, ButterflyHoráček, Petr
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?Martin, Bill
Dear ZooCampbell, Rod
Dinosaur Stomp!Stickland, Paul
Earth MotherJackson, Ellen
First the EggSeeger, Laura Vaccaro
From Head to ToeCarle, Eric
Giddy-up! Let's Ride!McDonnell, Flora
Hands CanHudson, Cheryl Willis
Hooray for Fish!Cousins, Lucy
Hungry HenWaring, Richard
I Went WalkingWilliams, Sue
If You're Happy and You Know It Clap your HandsCarter, David A.
Kitten's First Full MoonHenkes, Kevin
Presenting Little White DuckWhippo, Walt
Llama, Llama Red PajamaDewdney, Anna
Look BookHoban, Tana
Mabela the CleverMacDonald, Margaret Read
On Our Way HomeBraun, Sebastien
Owl BabiesWaddell, Martin
Salamander RockMitter, Matt
The Seals on the BusHort, Lenny
The Secret of Saying ThanksWood, Douglas
A Splendid Friend, IndeedBloom, Suzanne
SylvieSattler, Jennifer Gordon
Ten in the BedCabrera, Jane
This Is the FarmerTafuri, Nancy
Trashy TownZimmerman, Andrea Griffing
The Very Busy SpiderCarle, Eric
What A Wonderful WorldThiele, Bob
When Sophie Gets Angry--really, Really AngryBang, Molly
The Wide-mouthed FrogFaulkner, Keith